If anyone needed yet another further reason why Horace Tart needs replacing, Wednesday's joint meeting between the Wake (diversity at all costs) School Board and the Wake County Commissioners provided the piece de resistance.
Horace Tart has now become the mouthpiece for the Wake Ed Partnership. Horace has dived head first into the flavor aid pool.
Now Horace and the Wake Ed Partnership want to flippantly dismiss the physical and emotional toll parents have this year and years past felt over reassignment.
Horace proceeded to explain away the visible outrage parents have felt over the last few months.
Their line: Trust us, it's not as bad as you think. We're not actually moving that many students around.
This apparently will be the pr spin coming from these folks as we enter the fall election cycle.
Ann Denlinger spent a considerable amount of time regurgitating the same spin at the Wake Ed Partnership meeting in Wake Forest on February 5, 2009. Almost verbatim.
Trust them.