Monday, January 5, 2009


SNCA Update & Action Alert
Call to Action on Annexation Reform!

The next meeting of the Joint Commission to Study Municipal annexation is being held this Tuesday, Jan 6th, at 10 am. It will be held in Room 643 of the Legislative Office Building in downtown Raleigh.

Room 643
Legislative Office Building
300 N. Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC

Directions to this location can be found here:

Two very important actions that you can take to support reform.

Contact the Commission Members on Monday by calling and/or emailing them. I have included their email addresses and contact phone numbers for your convenience. I can't stress enough how important it will be for you to spend a little time on this on Monday.

Here are some important talking points that I would recommend:
1.) The affected property owners need a vote and a meaningful voice in city initiated annexation.
2.) Require meaningful services that do not duplicate existing adequate services in city initiated annexations. The burden of proof that any services are needed should be on the city.
3.) Municipal annexation needs third party oversight. The County Commissioners should be involved in deciding whether annexation is in the best interests of all the citizens of the affected County. "No one is minding the store" the way it is now.
4.) Tweaking the annexation laws the way the NCLM city lobbyists are suggesting is just "putting lipstick on a pig".
5.) Thank the Chairs of the Commission for giving citizens the opportunity for input at the meeting.

Legislators: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Non-Legislators:; ; ; ; ; ; ;

The contact phone numbers of all the Commission members are provided on the StopNCAnnexation website at this link:

Second important action to take is to try to attend the Jan 6th meeting of the Commission.The meeting notice sent out by Senator Malone's office informed the public that part of this meeting's agenda on Tuesday will include 45 minutes for comments from the public, each person is limited to two minutes. Those wishing to speak will need to sign in on the speakers sheet.The city officials will be at this meeting to speak, so try to arrive early to help fill the spaekers roster.


Everyone across the State of North Carolina who has been writing and calling these Commission Members as well as your local Legislators should be encouraged by the level of interest in reform that this has brought the to annexation issue in the General Assembly.

I can't say it enough that this is primarily due to the numerous calls and letters from so many people. This, along with the significant attendance by citizens at the downtown public rally events and the legislative public hearings and committee meetings, has made the need for reform to be taken seriously by more Legislators. It's been a busy year with much progress thanks to the grassroots effort. I hope that one of your New Year's resolutions includes a renewed resolve to keep up the pressure on our lawmakers in Raleigh.

It isn't easy for most people to attend an early weekday meeting in Raleigh, so your presence there is so much more meaningful. Please do try to clear your schedule for Tuesday morning and attend this meeting. And please spread the word to other interested citizens, encouraging them to attend or contact legislators.

I would love to see you there on Tuesday but the Legislators on the Commission that are on the side of reform need you there. If any Commission Legislators are "on the fence" about supporting meaningful reform, seeing that room fill up with citizens will make the difference in which way they go.

From the feedback that I have been given, as well as the number of emails that some people have so nicely copied me on, the citizens for reform are doing a great job of contacting our lawmakers about what needs to change in annexation law. We are being heard over the NCLM!

Thank you all for the time, money, and sacrifices that you have put into supporting the effort to change NC annexation laws. The battle isn't over yet, but positive progress has been made toward the goal of restoring the rights to the citizens in municipal annexation.

See you on Tuesday!

Catherine Heath
StopNCAnnexation Coalition