Monday, October 6, 2008



I met a photographer for the News and Observer who covered the Respect Life “Life Chain” on Sunday, October 5, 2008 on Six Forks Road in Raleigh. We were pleasantly surprised and pleased that the News and Observer would cover the event. From our count over 250 participated in this protest against abortion.

I did not see any coverage of the event in the paper this morning and am perplexed. What I did notice was another protest that featured a full story on the front page of the Triangle and Co. section. The story was accompanied by two prominent photos – one of which was in full color. I also noticed that the photo featured only about 8 protesters. Your writer notes “about a dozen.”

I am just curious to know what the standards are and how this decision is made.

Year after year I see about a thousand people marching through downtown Raleigh with NC Right to Life and never is coverage displayed like this.

I will from now on be keeping a documented tab of events, the number of people attending, your coverage and provide that to you on a regular basis.

This event just fuels people’s ongoing disillusionment with the News and Observer and the well documented bigoted nature of high placed staffers such as Linda Williams. I’ve seen no public commentary on her to allay any concerns.

Also, with all her biased talk about Kenn Gardner, I’ve not seen the N and O addressing Stan Norwalk’s very sketchy ethical past. When you don’t address it, it will fuel even further speculation about Ms. Williams bigoted nature.

If a photo did appear in the N and O then I would welcome being proven wrong.

Joey Stansbury
Subscriber since 1991.